Independent Evaluators

Each year, the performance of electrical corporations (ECs) in carrying out their wildfire mitigation plans (WMP) is assessed by an independent evaluator (IE). The intent of the IE assessment is to ensure that qualified third parties analyze EC performance during each calendar year, through means such as sampling the EC work performed for auditing purposes, to ensure that EC performance is consistent with the wildfire mitigation plans.

Pursuant to California Public Utilities Code section 8386.3(c)(2), each year, the Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (Energy Safety), in consultation with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), must publish a list of qualified IEs that may contract with the ECs to provide this independent assessment.  The IEs must have experience assessing the safe operation of electrical infrastructure. Each EC must then engage a qualified IE from the list to review and assess the EC’s compliance with its approved WMP. The engaged IE consults with and operates under the direction of Energy Safety. The IEs must issue an annual compliance report on July 1, which is made publicly available through Energy Safety’s e-Filing System.

How to Qualify as an Independent Evaluator, Inclusion on the Independent Evaluator List

Each year, prospective IEs respond to the IE Request for Qualifications (RFQ) with a statement of qualifications (SOQ) package. Qualified respondents will be included on that year’s IE List.

 See the e-filing system docket links below to see copies of prior IE RFQs, IE Lists, IE ARCs, and Comments on IE ARCs.

If your company is interested in being placed on the IE List, qualifying you to contract with an EC, you must respond to the annual IE RFQ within the required timeframe and submit the documentation specified in the RFQ. Inclusion on the IE List does not guarantee a contract with an EC.

To be notified by email of the next IE RFQ posting and all other announcements and activities related to the Energy Safety IE annual cycle, sign up for the Independent Evaluator Service List here.

There are nine ECs that need to contract with an IE each year. They are:

  1. Bear Valley Electric Service Inc.,
  2. Horizon West Transmission LLC,
  3. Liberty Utilities,
  4. LS Power Grid California,
  5. PacifiCorp,
  6. Pacific Gas and Electric Company,
  7. Southern California Edison Company,
  8. San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and
  9. Trans Bay Cable LLC.

For more information on IEs, the IE annual cycle, or how to be an IE, please contact:

Independent Evaluator Reports

The reports linked below were prepared by the EC’s contracted IE to fulfill the requirements of California Public Utilities Code section 8386.3(c)(2)(B)(i). The  reports are the work product of each respective IE. The findings and conclusions in the reports do not represent the views or opinions of Energy Safety or any of its employees. Pursuant to California Public Utilities Code section 8386.3(c)(2)(B)(ii) the IE’s findings are not binding on Energy Safety. Neither Energy Safety nor the State of California, nor any officer, employee, or any of its contractors or subcontractors makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability whatsoever for the contents of these documents.