Timothy Haines

Governor appointee

Grid & Power Symmetry, Principal


  • Board and Executive Management
  • Strategic Planning and Change Management
  • Utility business models
  • Publicly-owned utilities

Tim Haines has been Principal at Grid & Power Symmetry since 2021. He has held leadership positions in both public and private sectors where the organizations must adapt their management focus and day-to-day operations to changes in California energy and water policy. Throughout, Haines has been motivated by the obligation of utilities and regulators to ensure customers receive safe, reliable, economic, and environmentally sensitive services. He was the first General Manager for California Community Power; a Deputy General Manager for Energy, State Water Contractors; a Deputy Director at the Department of Water Resources; and was the Special Assistant to Chairman of the Board at the California ISO. Haines was a Consultant to the State of California during the 2000/01 energy crisis and began his career as an Engineer for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. Haines earned a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from California State University, Sacramento.

Contact: timothy.haines@energysafety.ca.gov