Education Course

Consistent with Gov’t Code 4216.19(e) and Section 4200 of Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations, the Board will issue decisions (and recommendations to other state agencies) to require persons found in violation of the state’s One Call Law to take the Board’s education course.

The education course is approximately 4 hours in duration. The Underground Safety Board will hold its education course online via a teleconference platform. Students are expected to print or otherwise electronically access course materials, and as such the course is offered free of charge.

You may schedule a course upon receiving a Notice of Probable Violation and in advance of completing the enforcement process, but your participation in the course does not forestall the enforcement process.

Completion of the course is required within 3 months of the final decision on your case, or as otherwise specified in the decision.

To request to schedule a course, please email with the following information:

  • Your case number
  • Your company name
  • The issue date of the notice of probable violation
  • The issue date of any Board, Contractors State License Board, Public Utilities Commission, State Fire Marshal, or local governing Board decision related to your case
  • The number of people you wish to schedule for the course
  • The timeframe in which you are required to take the course

Please write “Education Course Scheduling Request: [Your Company Name]” in the subject line of the email.