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  5. Environmental Science Division

Environmental Science Division

The Environmental Science Division is responsible for evaluating the vegetation management aspects of utility Wildfire Mitigation Plans (WMPs), assessing performance in meeting vegetation management-related commitments described in the WMPs, and ensuring that each utility is reducing its risk of igniting a catastrophic wildfire.

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About the Division

Environmental Science Division scientists review regulatory filings and utility procedures, analyze reported data, perform audits, conduct field inspections, publish findings, and engage with the utilities and interested parties. Division scientists serve as subject-matter experts in utility vegetation management and environmental policy related to wildfire risk reduction. Our team of scientists is highly collaborative and works closely with the Compliance Assurance, Electric Safety Policy, and Data Analytics Divisions.


A pillar of the Environmental Science Division’s program to assess utility compliance with approved Wildfire Mitigation Plans is through the execution of various audits. Energy Safety audits cover a variety of topics including, but not limited to, vegetation management.

Inspections and Investigations

The Environmental Science Division conducts field inspections of completed utility vegetation management work throughout the state. Subsequent “Notices of Violation” can be found on Energy Safety’s e-filing system.

Policy Branch

The Policy Branch reviews and evaluates vegetation management-related aspects of electric utility WMPs, develops utility vegetation management best management practices for wildfire safety, and contribute to the development of WMP Guidelines.