Energy Safety Releases Substantial Vegetation Management Audit and Report of Horizon West Transmission’s 2023 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Update

SACRAMENTO – The Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (Energy Safety) today released its audit and report of Horizon West Transmission’s (HWT) vegetation management work in 2023. Energy Safety found that HWT substantially complied with the substantial portion of the vegetation management requirements in its approved 2023-2025 Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) for calendar year 2023.

Energy Safety’s audit found that HWT provided information consistent with the completion of all targeted work in each of seven initiatives in its WMP. Typically, there are 13 WMP initiatives identified for Energy Safety’s SVM audit, however, given HWT’s limited geographic area and singular location only seven initiatives were applicable.

No further action is required.

More information can be found on Energy Safety’s 2023 WMP Substantial Vegetation Management Audits docket log.