Energy Safety Issues Annual Report on Compliance for SCE’s Approved 2021 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Update

SACRAMENTO – The Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (Energy Safety) today issued its Annual Report on Compliance (ARC) for Southern California Edison’s (SCE) 2021 Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) Update.

Energy Safety’s evaluation found SCE undertook significant effort to reduce its wildfire risk, and in many instances, SCE achieved its objectives and targets. On balance, SCE was largely successful in executing an actionable and adaptive plan for wildfire risk mitigation. There are, however, still areas for improvement and continued learning.

Energy Safety is required to conduct an annual assessment of the electrical corporations’ implementation of their approved WMPs and WMP Updates. Additional ARCs on approved 2021 WMP Updates for the remaining six electrical corporations are scheduled to be released in the coming weeks.