SACRAMENTO – The Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (Energy Safety) today issued additional Draft Annual Reports on Compliance (ARC) for California electrical corporations’ 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) implementation. In its draft reports, Energy Safety found that Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and PacifiCorp did not substantially comply with implementation of their approved 2020 WMPs.
The release of the Draft ARCs initiates a public comment period. Opening comments may be submitted no later than Dec. 26. Reply comments may be submitted no later than Jan. 5. Comments may be submitted to Energy Safety’s e-filing system in the 2020 ARC docket (#2020-ARC).
Energy Safety is required to conduct an annual assessment of the electrical corporations’ implementation of their approved WMPs and determine if they have substantially complied with their plans. Once Energy Safety has made a final determination, if an electrical corporation has not substantially complied with its approved plan, Energy Safety may recommend that the California Public Utilities Commission pursue an enforcement action.
On Nov. 8. Energy Safety released Draft ARCs for Southern California Edison (SCE), Horizon West Transmission (HWT), and Trans Bay Cable (TBS), and found that each had substantially complied with the implementation of their approved 2020 WMPs.
On Nov. 23, Energy Safety released Draft ARCs for San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), Liberty Utilities (LU), and Bear Valley Electric Service (BVES), and found that each had substantially complied with the implementation of their approved 2020 WMPs.
This concludes Energy Safety’s release of Draft 2020 WMP ARCs.