Wildfire Safety Advisory Board Meeting 4/19/2023
Date(s) - April 19, 2023
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Where: Remote access via Zoom videoconference or phone
- Webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81707934982?pwd=WmR1ckVyL2MxUVI2UVgrRVdBODF1UT09 | Passcode: 688773
- Telephone: USA 404 443 6397 (US Toll) | USA 877 336 1831 (US Toll-free) | Conference code: 167251
Meeting Materials:
- Agenda: Word | PDF
- Meeting Recording
- Slide deck pdf 4/19
- Meeting Minutes from February 22, 2023 WSAB Meeting
- Energy Safety to hold a public workshop on April 25-26, 2023 on safety requirements to address increasing wildfire risk from climate change and aging infrastructure
- Energy Safety Public April 27-28, 2023 Workshop on 2023-2025 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Submissions