In July 2019, in response to the acceleration of the utility-related wildfire crisis in California, emergency legislation, Assembly Bill (AB) 1054 and AB 111, was passed and established what is currently the Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (Energy Safety). Energy Safety’s primary directive is to evaluate and approve or deny electrical corporations’ Wildfire Mitigation Plans (WMPs) in accordance with Public Utilities Code Section 8386 et. seq in order to ensure that the electrical utilities are taking effective actions to reduce utility-related wildfire risk.

Following approval of WMPs, Energy Safety’s Compliance Division is responsible for overseeing compliance with the approved plans. An integral aspect to evaluating compliance with WMPs is conducting audits where an electrical corporation’s records and data are analyzed. As Energy Safety continues to mature its compliance process, all audit-related documents will be available on this page.

2022 Substantial Vegetation Management Audits

This audit is conducted pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 8386.3(c)(5)(A) which requires electrical corporations (utilities) to notify Energy Safety after completing substantial portions of vegetation management requirements in their approved Wildfire Mitigation Plans (WMPs) and requires Energy Safety to audit compliance with these requirements. The audits and all associated documents are available in Energy Safety’s e-filing system.


Energy Safety’s 2022 Substantial Vegetation Management Audit Reports:

Energy Safety’s 2021 Substantial Vegetation Management Audits: