Public Workshop on Safety Requirements to Address Increasing Wildfire Risk
Date(s) - July 13, 2023 - July 14, 2023
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Meeting Recording – Day 1
Meeting Recording – Day 2
The Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (Energy Safety) will hold a two-day virtual public workshop Thurs., July 13 and Fri., July 14, on electrical utility safety requirements. The workshop will solicit public opinion to address the increasing wildfire risks from climate change and aging infrastructure.
The event includes an opportunity for members of the public, stakeholders, and local and regional agencies, boards, tribes, and commissions to participate by providing their input and comments. Additional details about this workshop, including an agenda, will be published on Energy Safety’s Wildfire Safety Requirements Recommendations docket (#2023-WSRR) in advance of the public workshop.
To register in advance for this webinar, visit: